Action | Use Action object to specify the behavior and options of an item in a menu or an button in a toolbar |
ActionEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an Action object |
ActiveXControl | A ActiveXControl allows create ActiveX Controls |
Animate | An Animate can show an avi video |
BalloonTip | Specifies balloon tip options |
BeginDockContext | Drag & drop context |
Brush | Brush object represents the color and other options used to fill solid shapes |
Button | The Button control allows the user to push it |
ButtonControl | This is the base class of all button controls in the WSO |
Calendar | A Calendar control allows the user to specify an date |
CheckBox | The CheckBox control allows the user to check it |
Clipboard | Clipboard |
ClipboardEvents | Events for Clipboard |
Collection | The Collection object is an ordered set of items |
ColorDialog | A ColorDialog represents the standard color dialog box that enables the user to select a color |
ColorDialogEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ColorDialog object |
ComboBox | ComboBox control displays a text edit control combined with a ListBox control |
ComboBoxEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ComboBox object |
COMConnectionPoint | A COMConnectionPoint object provides a description for a COM object's connection point |
COMEvents | A COMConnectionPoint object provides a description for all connection points of an COM object |
Console | Allows to work with console window |
Control | This is the base class of all controls |
ControlEvents | This interface defines the set of common control's events |
ControlExtendedProperties | Specifies extended properties for a Control |
DateTime | A DateTime object represents an specific date and time |
DateTimeControl | This is the base class of all controls that allows the user to specify an date or time |
DateTimePicker | A DateTimePicker control allows the user to specify an date and time |
Design | Provides design features for an object |
DockControlCreateContext | Drag & drop context |
Docking | Allows access to Docking Framework |
Edit | Edit control is a control in which the user can enter and edit text |
Error | Contains information about errors |
EventHandler | A EventHandler object can be used to combine an event handlers to single event handler |
EventHandlerEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an EventHandler object |
Executor | Allows to create a new process |
ExecutorEvents | This interface defines the set of Executor's events |
FileOpenSaveDialog | This object represents an file open dialog box or an file save dialog box |
FileOpenSaveDialogEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an FileOpenSaveDialog object |
FindReplaceDialog | A FindReplaceDialog represents the system-defined Find dialog box |
FindReplaceDialogEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an FindReplaceDialog object |
FontDialog | A FontDialog represents the standard font dialog box that enables the user to select a font |
FontDialogEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an FontDialog object |
FontEx | FontEx object represents the color and other options used to draw text |
Form | The Form is a top level frame |
FormEvents | This interface defines the set of common form's events |
Frame | The Frame control is a control that contains controls |
GraphicElement | Contains the color and other options for an graphic element |
GraphicObject | GraphicObject is the base class for Pen, Brush, FontEx |
Header | A Header is a control that is may be positioned above columns of a table |
HeaderEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an Header object |
HeaderItem | A HeaderItem object represents one header item in an Header |
HeaderItemEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an HeaderItem object |
Hint | A Hint object can be used to specify options of an hint string (see Control's Hint, Action's Hint properties) |
HotKey | A HotKey controls enables the user specify an keyboard shortcut |
HyperLink | A HyperLink control represents a hyper link |
IconBuilder | Allows to create an ico file |
Image | A Polygon is a graphic control that represents a image |
ImageList | The ImageList object is used to store images, which can then be displayed by controls or in a menu |
IPAddress | A IPAddress control enables the user to specify an IP Address |
Layering | Specifies layering specific properties for a control |
Line | A Line is a graphic control that represents a line |
ListBox | ListBox control displays a list of items and allows the user to select one or more items from the list |
ListControl | This is the base class of all controls that contains an ordered list |
ListControlEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ListControl object |
ListControlItem | A ListItem object represents second argument in the OnDrawItem event handler |
ListItem | A ListItem object represents one item in an ListView |
ListSubItem | A ListSubItem object represents one subitem in an ListView |
ListView | ListView control displays a list of items and allows the user to select one or more items from the list |
ListViewColumns | The ListViewColumns object provides methods to configure an ListView's columns |
ListViewEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ListView object |
ListViewGroup | Defines Group for ListView (Groups) |
ListViewGroups | Defines Groups for ListView |
MenuBar | A Menubar control is a control that represents a menu |
Object | This is the base class of all objects in the WSO, that supports events |
PageControl | Customized version of the TabControl |
Pager | A Pager control is a Frame of some special kind |
PageSetupDialog | A PageSetupDialog represents the standard Printer page setup dialog box options |
Paragraph | Specifies paragraph parameters for the RichEdit |
Pen | Pen object is used to draw lines or outline shapes |
Polygon | A Polygon is a graphic control that represents a polygon |
PrintDialog | A PrintDialog represents the standard Print dialog box options |
PrintDialogBase | This is the base class of all Printer dialogs |
PrintInfo | A PrintInfo object can be used to specify print options |
ProgressBar | A ProgressBar control visually indicates the progress of a operation |
Property | Specifies a Property in the PropertyGrid |
PropertyGrid | PropertyGrid control is a control in which the user can edit properties of some "entity" |
PropertyInformation | Contains information about an object's properties that is available in the Designer |
RadioButton | Radio buttons are used to allow the user select one of several options |
ReBar | A ReBar control is a Frame of some special kind |
ReBarBand | Represents one panel in the ReBar |
Region | A Region object stores the region handle |
Regions | A Regions object can be used for creating a regions |
ResourceUsageGraph | We have a variable which changes at time interval |
Result | This is a object that used to transfer some value from an event handler to an WSO object |
RichEdit | RichEdit control is a control in which the user can enter and edit text |
RichEditEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an RichEdit object |
Screen | A Screen object can be used to obtain some information about the screen |
ScrollBar | The ScrollBar control is a rectangle that contains a scroll box and has direction arrows at both ends |
SelectFolderDialog | A SelectFolderDialog represents the standard select folder dialog box that enables the user to select a folder |
SelectFolderDialogEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an SelectFolderDialogEvents object |
SplitPanel | A SplitPanel enables the user to resize an control |
Splitter | A Splitter enables the user to resize an control |
StatusBar | Represents a control that displays panels and information in a horizontal bar in an application window |
StatusControl | This is the base class of ProgressBar, ScrollBar |
StatusItem | Represents one panel in the StatusBar |
StdDispatch | See CreateStdDispatch, WindowSystemObject object |
StringsControl | This is the base class of all controls that contains an set of strings |
Tab | Represents one panel in the TabControl |
TabControl | TabControl is a control that contains multiple panels that share the same space on the window |
TaskBar | Allows to use launching and switching taskbar button functionality |
Timer | A timer object raises the OnExecute event in cycle |
TimerEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an Timer object |
ToolBar | A toolbar is a control that contains one or more buttons |
TrackBar | A trackbar is a control that contains a slider and optional tick marks |
TrayIcon | A TrayIcon objects represents an icon in system tray |
TrayIconEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an TrayIcon object |
TreeItem | A TreeItem object represents one item in an TreeView |
TreeView | TreeView control displays a tree of items and allows the user to select one item from the tree |
TreeViewEvents | This interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an TreeView object |
UpDown | An UpDown control has two buttons, the up button and the down button, and stores an integer value |
Version | This object contains WSO version information |
Window | Window |
WindowSystemObject | The WindowSystemObject object is the root object of the WSO object model hierarchy |
WindowSystemObjectExtensions | A WindowSystemObjectExtensions object contains some additional methods |
WorkArea | Defines Work Area for ListView (WorkAreas) |
WorkAreas | Defines Work Areas for ListView |