WSO 1.1 Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ActionUse Action object to specify the behavior and options of an item in a menu or an button in a toolbar
ActionEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an Action object
ActiveXControlA ActiveXControl allows create ActiveX Controls
AnimateAn Animate can show an avi video
BalloonTipSpecifies balloon tip options
BeginDockContextDrag & drop context
BrushBrush object represents the color and other options used to fill solid shapes
ButtonThe Button control allows the user to push it
ButtonControlThis is the base class of all button controls in the WSO
CalendarA Calendar control allows the user to specify an date
CheckBoxThe CheckBox control allows the user to check it
ClipboardEventsEvents for Clipboard
CollectionThe Collection object is an ordered set of items
ColorDialogA ColorDialog represents the standard color dialog box that enables the user to select a color
ColorDialogEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ColorDialog object
ComboBoxComboBox control displays a text edit control combined with a ListBox control
ComboBoxEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ComboBox object
COMConnectionPointA COMConnectionPoint object provides a description for a COM object's connection point
COMEventsA COMConnectionPoint object provides a description for all connection points of an COM object
ConsoleAllows to work with console window
ControlThis is the base class of all controls
ControlEventsThis interface defines the set of common control's events
ControlExtendedPropertiesSpecifies extended properties for a Control
DateTimeA DateTime object represents an specific date and time
DateTimeControlThis is the base class of all controls that allows the user to specify an date or time
DateTimePickerA DateTimePicker control allows the user to specify an date and time
DesignProvides design features for an object
DockControlCreateContextDrag & drop context
DockingAllows access to Docking Framework
EditEdit control is a control in which the user can enter and edit text
ErrorContains information about errors
EventHandlerA EventHandler object can be used to combine an event handlers to single event handler
EventHandlerEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an EventHandler object
ExecutorAllows to create a new process
ExecutorEventsThis interface defines the set of Executor's events
FileOpenSaveDialogThis object represents an file open dialog box or an file save dialog box
FileOpenSaveDialogEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an FileOpenSaveDialog object
FindReplaceDialogA FindReplaceDialog represents the system-defined Find dialog box
FindReplaceDialogEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an FindReplaceDialog object
FontDialogA FontDialog represents the standard font dialog box that enables the user to select a font
FontDialogEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an FontDialog object
FontExFontEx object represents the color and other options used to draw text
FormThe Form is a top level frame
FormEventsThis interface defines the set of common form's events
FrameThe Frame control is a control that contains controls
GraphicElementContains the color and other options for an graphic element
GraphicObjectGraphicObject is the base class for Pen, Brush, FontEx
HeaderA Header is a control that is may be positioned above columns of a table
HeaderEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an Header object
HeaderItemA HeaderItem object represents one header item in an Header
HeaderItemEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an HeaderItem object
HintA Hint object can be used to specify options of an hint string (see Control's Hint, Action's Hint properties)
HotKeyA HotKey controls enables the user specify an keyboard shortcut
HyperLinkA HyperLink control represents a hyper link
IconBuilderAllows to create an ico file
ImageA Polygon is a graphic control that represents a image
ImageListThe ImageList object is used to store images, which can then be displayed by controls or in a menu
IPAddressA IPAddress control enables the user to specify an IP Address
LayeringSpecifies layering specific properties for a control
LineA Line is a graphic control that represents a line
ListBoxListBox control displays a list of items and allows the user to select one or more items from the list
ListControlThis is the base class of all controls that contains an ordered list
ListControlEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ListControl object
ListControlItemA ListItem object represents second argument in the OnDrawItem event handler
ListItemA ListItem object represents one item in an ListView
ListSubItemA ListSubItem object represents one subitem in an ListView
ListViewListView control displays a list of items and allows the user to select one or more items from the list
ListViewColumnsThe ListViewColumns object provides methods to configure an ListView's columns
ListViewEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an ListView object
ListViewGroupDefines Group for ListView (Groups)
ListViewGroupsDefines Groups for ListView
MenuBarA Menubar control is a control that represents a menu
ObjectThis is the base class of all objects in the WSO, that supports events
PageControlCustomized version of the TabControl
PagerA Pager control is a Frame of some special kind
PageSetupDialogA PageSetupDialog represents the standard Printer page setup dialog box options
ParagraphSpecifies paragraph parameters for the RichEdit
PenPen object is used to draw lines or outline shapes
PolygonA Polygon is a graphic control that represents a polygon
PrintDialogA PrintDialog represents the standard Print dialog box options
PrintDialogBaseThis is the base class of all Printer dialogs
PrintInfoA PrintInfo object can be used to specify print options
ProgressBarA ProgressBar control visually indicates the progress of a operation
PropertySpecifies a Property in the PropertyGrid
PropertyGridPropertyGrid control is a control in which the user can edit properties of some "entity"
PropertyInformationContains information about an object's properties that is available in the Designer
RadioButtonRadio buttons are used to allow the user select one of several options
ReBarA ReBar control is a Frame of some special kind
ReBarBandRepresents one panel in the ReBar
RegionA Region object stores the region handle
RegionsA Regions object can be used for creating a regions
ResourceUsageGraphWe have a variable which changes at time interval
ResultThis is a object that used to transfer some value from an event handler to an WSO object
RichEditRichEdit control is a control in which the user can enter and edit text
RichEditEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an RichEdit object
ScreenA Screen object can be used to obtain some information about the screen
ScrollBarThe ScrollBar control is a rectangle that contains a scroll box and has direction arrows at both ends
SelectFolderDialogA SelectFolderDialog represents the standard select folder dialog box that enables the user to select a folder
SelectFolderDialogEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an SelectFolderDialogEvents object
SplitPanelA SplitPanel enables the user to resize an control
SplitterA Splitter enables the user to resize an control
StatusBarRepresents a control that displays panels and information in a horizontal bar in an application window
StatusControlThis is the base class of ProgressBar, ScrollBar
StatusItemRepresents one panel in the StatusBar
StdDispatchSee CreateStdDispatch, WindowSystemObject object
StringsControlThis is the base class of all controls that contains an set of strings
TabRepresents one panel in the TabControl
TabControlTabControl is a control that contains multiple panels that share the same space on the window
TaskBarAllows to use launching and switching taskbar button functionality
TimerA timer object raises the OnExecute event in cycle
TimerEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an Timer object
ToolBarA toolbar is a control that contains one or more buttons
TrackBarA trackbar is a control that contains a slider and optional tick marks
TrayIconA TrayIcon objects represents an icon in system tray
TrayIconEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an TrayIcon object
TreeItemA TreeItem object represents one item in an TreeView
TreeViewTreeView control displays a tree of items and allows the user to select one item from the tree
TreeViewEventsThis interface defines the set of events that can be raised by an TreeView object
UpDownAn UpDown control has two buttons, the up button and the down button, and stores an integer value
VersionThis object contains WSO version information
WindowSystemObjectThe WindowSystemObject object is the root object of the WSO object model hierarchy
WindowSystemObjectExtensionsA WindowSystemObjectExtensions object contains some additional methods
WorkAreaDefines Work Area for ListView (WorkAreas)
WorkAreasDefines Work Areas for ListView

WSO 1.1 Documentation. Date modified:Wed Aug 12 18:12:13 2015. (C) Veretennikov A. B. 2004-2015