Frame Interface Reference

The Frame control is a control that contains controls. More...

Inheritance diagram for Frame:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Frame:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CreateButton ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in] BSTR Text,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Button.
 CreateCheckBox ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in] BSTR Text,[in, defaultvalue(FALSE)] VARIANT_BOOL Checked,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new CheckBox.
 CreateRadioButton ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in] BSTR Text,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new RadioButton.
 CreateEdit ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Edit.
 CreateListBox ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ListBox.
 CreateComboBox ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(CBS_DROPDOWN)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ComboBox.
 CreateFrame ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Frame.
 CreateGroupBox ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new GroupBox (Frame with special group box border).
 CreateProgressBar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ProgressBar.
 CreateTabControl ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(TCS_DEFAULT)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new TabControl.
 CreateToolBar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ToolBar.
 CreateMenuBar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new MenuBar.
 CreateReBar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(RBS_DEFAULT)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ReBar.
 CreateStatusBar ([out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new StatusBar.
 CreateHyperLink ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in] BSTR URL,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Label,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new HyperLink.
 CreatePager ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Pager.
 CreateScrollBar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(SBS_HORZ)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ScrollBar.
 CreateActiveXControl ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] BSTR ID,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ActiveXControl.
 CreateActiveXControlLicensed ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] BSTR ID,[in] BSTR LicKey,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ActiveXControl use an license key.
 CreateHeader ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(HDS_BUTTONS)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Header.
 CreateListView ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ListView.
 CreateTreeView ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(TVS_DEFAULT)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new TreeView.
 CreateRichEdit ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(ES_MULTILINE)] LONG Style,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Version,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new RichEdit.
 CreateAnimate ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(ACS_CENTER)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Animate.
 CreateHotKey ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new HotKey.
 CreateTrackBar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new TrackBar.
 CreateUpDown ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new UpDown.
 CreateDateTimePicker ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new DateTimePicker.
 CreateCalendar ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Style,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Calendar.
 CreateIPAddress ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new IPAddress.
 CreateSplitter ([in] USHORT Align,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new Splitter.
 CreateSplitPanel ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(TRUE)] VARIANT_BOOL Vertical,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new SplitPanel.
 CreateResourceUsageGraph ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new ResourceUsageGraph.
 CreatePropertyGrid ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new PropertyGrid.
 CreatePageControl ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Left,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Top,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Width,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method creates a new PageControl.
 Line ([in] LONG Ax,[in] LONG Ay,[in] LONG Bx,[in] LONG By,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a line from the Ax,Ay up to, but not including, the Bx,By.
 Rectangle ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a rectangle.
 RoundRect ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] LONG nWidth,[in] LONG nHeight,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
 Circle ([in] LONG x,[in] LONG y,[in] LONG r,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws an circle.
 Ellipse ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws an ellipse.
 Arc ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] LONG nXStartArc,[in] LONG nYStartArc,[in] LONG nXEndArc,[in] LONG nYEndArc,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws an elliptical arc.
 Chord ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] LONG nXRadial1,[in] LONG nYRadial1,[in] LONG nXRadial2,[in] LONG nYRadial2,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws an chord.
 Pie ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] LONG nXRadial1,[in] LONG nYRadial1,[in] LONG nXRadial2,[in] LONG nYRadial2,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws an pie.
 Polygon ([in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) Data,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a polygon.
 TextOut ([in] LONG x,[in] LONG y,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Text,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a text at the specified position.
 TextRect ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] BSTR Text,[in, defaultvalue(DT_NOPREFIX|DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER|DT_WORDBREAK|DT_CALCRECT)] ULONG Flags,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a text at the specified position.
 DrawImage ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in] VARIANT Image,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a Image at the specified position.
 DrawRegion ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] ULONG Region,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a Region at the specified position.
 Bevel ([in] LONG Left,[in] LONG Top,[in] LONG Width,[in] LONG Height,[in, defaultvalue(1)] LONG BevelOuter,[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG BevelInner,[in, defaultvalue(1)] ULONG BorderWidth,[in, defaultvalue(1)] ULONG BevelWidth,[out, retval] IDispatch **pControl)
 This method draws a rectangle with borders.
 BeginUpdate ()
 Enables Update mode.
 EndUpdate ()
 Disables Update mode.
 Get ([in] BSTR Name,[out, retval] IDispatch **Control)
 Returns a child Control by its Control::Id, directly or indirectly contained within the current control.


IDispatch *R Controls []
 Gets an Controls collection that represents the list of child controls.
ULONG RW BorderWidth []
 Gets or sets the distance beetween the outer border and the inner border.
ULONG RW BevelWidth []
 Gets or sets the width the outer border and the inner border.
LONG RW BevelOuter []
 Gets or sets the style of the outer border.
LONG RW BevelInner []
 Gets or sets the style of the inner border.
IDispatch *RW GraphFont []
 Gets or sets the Font for drawing a graphics.
 The AutoScroll property is a Boolean value that shows or hides the scroll bars of the frame.
 The Tracking property is a Boolean value that indicates that the frame updates when the user uses scroll bar.
USHORT RW CaptureMouse []
 This property sets the mouse capture mode to the frame.
VARIANT_BOOL RW ParentBackground []
 Determines where a control looks for its background.
VARIANT_BOOL RW BorderParentBackground []
 Determines where a control looks for its background for border (if BorderWidth > 0).
 If "TRUE" then any child control with Align in (AL_LEFT, AL_RIGHT, AL_TOP, AL_BOTTOM) has splitter.
 If "TRUE" then the Frame have group box border.

Detailed Description

The Frame control is a control that contains controls.

It provides methods for creating controls.

Member Function Documentation

Arc ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] LONG  nXStartArc,
[in] LONG  nYStartArc,
[in] LONG  nXEndArc,
[in] LONG  nYEndArc,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws an elliptical arc.

The arc is drawing by using the current Pen.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle.
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle.
Width Specifies the width of the control. The width of the bounding rectangle.
Height Specifies the height of the control. The height of the bounding rectangle.
nXStartArc Specifies the x-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc.
nYStartArc Specifies the y-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc.
nXEndArc Specifies the x-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc.
nYEndArc Specifies the y-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc.
Return values:
pControl Control object

BeginUpdate (  ) 

Enables Update mode.

This method prevents updating of the control until the EndUpdate method is called.


Bevel ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(1)] LONG  BevelOuter,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  BevelInner,
[in, defaultvalue(1)] ULONG  BorderWidth,
[in, defaultvalue(1)] ULONG  BevelWidth,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a rectangle with borders.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
BevelOuter Specifies the size of the outer border
BorderWidth specifies the distance between the outer border and the inner border.
BevelInner Specifies the size of the inner border
BevelWidth Specifies the size of the distance beetween the outer border and the inner border
Return values:
pControl Control object

Chord ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] LONG  nXRadial1,
[in] LONG  nYRadial1,
[in] LONG  nXRadial2,
[in] LONG  nYRadial2,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws an chord.

The chord is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle.
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle.
Width Specifies the width of the control. The width of the bounding rectangle.
Height Specifies the height of the control. The height of the bounding rectangle.
nXRadial1 Specifies the x-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc.
nYRadial1 Specifies the y-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc.
nXRadial2 Specifies the x-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc.
nYRadial2 Specifies the y-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc.
Return values:
pControl Control object

Circle ( [in] LONG  x,
[in] LONG  y,
[in] LONG  r,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws an circle.

The circle is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

x Specifies the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
y Specifies the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
r Specifies the radius of the circle
Return values:
pControl Control object

CreateActiveXControl ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  ID,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ActiveXControl.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
ID This parameter can be a one of the following values
  • ProgID, for example "MSCAL.Calendar.7"
  • CLSID, for example "{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}".
  • URL, for example
  • OLE document name, for example “C:\\Document.DOC” (\\ how in C++ or JScript, there is “\”);
  • HTML fragment, for example "MSHTML:<HTML><BODY>Hello World </BODY></HTML>".
Return values:
pControl ActiveXControl object

CreateActiveXControlLicensed ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  ID,
[in] BSTR  LicKey,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ActiveXControl use an license key.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
ID See CreateActiveXControl.
LicKey Specifies the license key.
Return values:
pControl ActiveXControl object

CreateAnimate ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(ACS_CENTER)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Animate.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the Animate control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: ACS_CENTER, ACS_TRANSPARENT
Return values:
pControl Animate object

CreateButton ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  Text,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Button.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Text Specifies the text of the button
Return values:
pControl Button object

CreateCalendar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Calendar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the Calendar control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: MCS_MULTISELECT, MCS_WEEKNUMBERS, MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE, MCS_NOTODAY
Return values:
pControl Calendar object

CreateCheckBox ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  Text,
[in, defaultvalue(FALSE)] VARIANT_BOOL  Checked,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new CheckBox.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Text Specifies the text of the check box
Checked Specifies the initial value of the CheckBox's Checked property.
Return values:
pControl CheckBox object

CreateComboBox ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(CBS_DROPDOWN)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ComboBox.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the ComboBox control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: CBS_SIMPLE, CBS_DROPDOWN, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, CBS_SORT, CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT, CBS_UPPERCASE, CBS_LOWERCASE
Return values:
pControl ComboBox object

CreateDateTimePicker ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new DateTimePicker.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the DateTimePicker control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: DTS_UPDOWN, DTS_SHOWNONE, DTS_RIGHTALIGN, DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT, DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT, DTS_TIMEFORMAT
Return values:
pControl DateTimePicker object

CreateEdit ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Edit.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the Edit control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: LBS_SORT, LBS_MULTIPLESEL, LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT, LBS_EXTENDEDSEL
Return values:
pControl Edit object

CreateFrame ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Frame.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl Frame object

CreateGroupBox ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new GroupBox (Frame with special group box border).

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl GroupBox object
Example (JScript):

o = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.WindowSystemObject")

o.EnableVisualStyles = true

f = o.CreateForm(0,0,0,0)

f.Text = "WSO"
f.ClientWidth = 200
f.ClientHeight = 100

Frame = f.CreateGroupBox(10,10,180,80)
Frame.Text = "Frame"





CreateHeader ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(HDS_BUTTONS)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Header.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the Header control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: HDS_BUTTONS
Return values:
pControl Header object

CreateHotKey ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new HotKey.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl HotKey object

CreateHyperLink ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  URL,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  Label,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new HyperLink.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
URL Specifies the URL for the hyperlink
Label Specifies the Label for the hyperlink
Return values:
pControl HyperLink object

CreateIPAddress ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new IPAddress.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl IPAddress object

CreateListBox ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ListBox.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the ListBox control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: LBS_SORT, LBS_MULTIPLESEL, LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT, LBS_EXTENDEDSEL
Return values:
pControl ListBox object

CreateListView ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ListView.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the ListView control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: LVS_ICON, LVS_REPORT, LVS_SMALLICON, LVS_LIST, LVS_SINGLESEL, LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, LVS_NOLABELWRAP, LVS_EDITLABELS, LVS_OWNERDATA
Return values:
pControl ListView object

CreateMenuBar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new MenuBar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl MenuBar object

CreatePageControl ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new PageControl.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl PageControl object

CreatePager ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Pager.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl Pager object

CreateProgressBar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ProgressBar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the ProgressBar control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: PBS_SMOOTH, PBS_VERTICAL
Return values:
pControl ProgressBar object

CreatePropertyGrid ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new PropertyGrid.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl PropertyGrid object

CreateRadioButton ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  Text,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new RadioButton.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Text Specifies the text of the RadioButton control
Return values:
pControl Button object

CreateReBar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(RBS_DEFAULT)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ReBar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the ReBar control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: RBS_AUTOSIZE, RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER, RBS_DBLCLKTOGGLE, RBS_VARHEIGHT, RBS_BANDBORDERS, RBS_FIXEDORDER, CCS_VERT
Return values:
pControl ReBar object

CreateResourceUsageGraph ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ResourceUsageGraph.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl ResourceUsageGraph object

CreateRichEdit ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(ES_MULTILINE)] LONG  Style,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Version,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new RichEdit.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the RichEdit control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: ES_MULTILINE, ES_PASSWORD, ES_NOHIDESEL, ES_READONLY
Version Since WSO 1.1.8. Default value 0. This parameter can be a one of the following values: 0 - Default value. 5 - Method creates RichEdit version 5 (using msftedit.dll, Windows XP SP1 required).
Return values:
pControl RichEdit object

CreateScrollBar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(SBS_HORZ)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ScrollBar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the ScrollBar control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: SBS_HORZ, SBS_VERT
Return values:
pControl ScrollBar object

CreateSplitPanel ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(TRUE)] VARIANT_BOOL  Vertical,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new SplitPanel.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Vertical Specifies the value for the SplitPanel property of the control.
Return values:
pControl SplitPanel object

CreateSplitter ( [in] USHORT  Align,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new Splitter.

Align Specifies the initial Align of the splitter
Return values:
pControl Splitter object

CreateStatusBar ( [out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl  ) 

This method creates a new StatusBar.

Return values:
pControl ReBar object

CreateTabControl ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(TCS_DEFAULT)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new TabControl.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the TabControl control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: TCS_FLATBUTTONS, TCS_HOTTRACK, TCS_TABS, TCS_BUTTONS, TCS_SINGLELINE, TCS_MULTILINE, TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT
Return values:
pControl TabControl object

CreateToolBar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new ToolBar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl ToolBar object

CreateTrackBar ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new TrackBar.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the TrackBar control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: TBS_VERT, TBS_HORZ, TBS_TOP, TBS_BOTTOM, TBS_LEFT, TBS_RIGHT, TBS_BOTH, TBS_NOTICKS, TBS_ENABLESELRANGE
Return values:
pControl TrackBar object

CreateTreeView ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(TVS_DEFAULT)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new TreeView.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the TreeView control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: TVS_HASBUTTONS, TVS_HASLINES, TVS_LINESATROOT, TVS_EDITLABELS, TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, TVS_CHECKBOXES, TVS_TRACKSELECT, TVS_SINGLEEXPAND, TVS_FULLROWSELECT
Return values:
pControl TreeView object

CreateUpDown ( [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Left,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Top,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Width,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Height,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG  Style,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method creates a new UpDown.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Style Specifies the style of the UpDown control. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: UDS_HORZ, UDS_HOTTRACK
Return values:
pControl UpDown object

DrawImage ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] VARIANT  Image,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a Image at the specified position.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Image Specifies the Image. This parameter can be:
Return values:
pControl Control object
See also LoadImage.

DrawRegion ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] ULONG  Region,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a Region at the specified position.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Region Specifies the Region.
Return values:
pControl Control object
See also Regions.

Ellipse ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws an ellipse.

The center of the ellipse is the center of the specified bounding rectangle. The ellipse is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl Control object

EndUpdate (  ) 

Disables Update mode.


Get ( [in] BSTR  Name,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  Control 

Returns a child Control by its Control::Id, directly or indirectly contained within the current control.


Line ( [in] LONG  Ax,
[in] LONG  Ay,
[in] LONG  Bx,
[in] LONG  By,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a line from the Ax,Ay up to, but not including, the Bx,By.

The Line is drawing by using the current Pen

Ax x-coordinate of the line's starting point.
Ay y-coordinate of the line's starting point.
Bx x-coordinate of the line's ending point.
By y-coordinate of the line's ending point.
Return values:
pControl Control object

Pie ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] LONG  nXRadial1,
[in] LONG  nYRadial1,
[in] LONG  nXRadial2,
[in] LONG  nYRadial2,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws an pie.

The pie is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle.
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle.
Width Specifies the width of the control. The width of the bounding rectangle.
Height Specifies the height of the control. The height of the bounding rectangle.
nXRadial1 Specifies the x-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc.
nYRadial1 Specifies the y-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc.
nXRadial2 Specifies the x-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc.
nYRadial2 Specifies the y-coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc.
Return values:
pControl Control object

Polygon ( [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)  Data,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a polygon.

The pie is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

Data The array of x-,y-coordinates - (x1,y1,x2,y2,...)
Return values:
pControl Control object

Rectangle ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a rectangle.

The rectangle is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Return values:
pControl Control object

RoundRect ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] LONG  nWidth,
[in] LONG  nHeight,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a rectangle with rounded corners.

The rectangle is drawing by using the current Pen and filled by using the current Brush.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
nWidth Specifies the width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners
nHeight Specifies the height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners
Return values:
pControl Control object

TextOut ( [in] LONG  x,
[in] LONG  y,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  Text,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a text at the specified position.

x Specifies x-coordinate of the text
y Specifies y-coordinate of the text
Text Specifies the Text
Return values:
pControl Control object

TextRect ( [in] LONG  Left,
[in] LONG  Top,
[in] LONG  Width,
[in] LONG  Height,
[in] BSTR  Text,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  pControl 

This method draws a text at the specified position.

Left Specifies the initial horizontal position of the control
Top Specifies the initial vertical position of the control
Width Specifies the width of the control
Height Specifies the height of the control
Text Specifies the Text
Return values:
pControl Control object

Property Documentation


The AutoScroll property is a Boolean value that shows or hides the scroll bars of the frame.

Default value FALSE.

Example (JScript):

o = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.WindowSystemObject")

o.EnableVisualStyles = true

f = o.CreateForm(0,0,0,0)

f.ClientWidth = 300
f.ClientHeight = 200


f.AutoScroll = true

for (i = 0; i<4; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                f.CreateButton(20+i*170,20+j*70,140,40,"Button "+i+"/"+j)





If "TRUE" then any child control with Align in (AL_LEFT, AL_RIGHT, AL_TOP, AL_BOTTOM) has splitter.

Default value: "FALSE"

See also:
Example (JScript):

o = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.WindowSystemObject")
o.EnableVisualStyles = true

f = o.CreateForm(0,0,0,0)

f.ClientWidth = 500
f.ClientHeight = 300

frame = f.CreateFrame(0,0,0,0)
frame.Align = o.Translate("AL_CLIENT")
frame.AutoSplit = true

leftPanel = frame.CreateFrame(0,0,0,0)

rightPanel = frame.CreateFrame(0,0,10,10)
rightPanel.Color = 0x000000FF
rightPanel.ParentBackground = false
rightPanel.Align = o.Translate("AL_CLIENT")

leftPanel.Align = o.Translate("AL_LEFT")
leftPanel.Width = 300
leftPanel.AutoSplit = true

leftTopPanel = leftPanel.CreateFrame(0,0,100,100)
leftTopPanel.Color = 0x0000FF00
leftTopPanel.ParentBackground = false
leftTopPanel.Align = o.Translate("AL_TOP")

leftBottomPanel = leftPanel.CreateFrame(0,0,100,100)
leftBottomPanel.Color = 0x00FF0000
leftBottomPanel.ParentBackground = false
leftBottomPanel.Align = o.Translate("AL_CLIENT")

leftBottomPanel.Height = 100



LONG RW BevelInner

Gets or sets the style of the inner border.

This parameter can be a one of the following values: BS_NONE, BS_LOWERED, BS_RAISED. Default value BS_NONE.

Example (JScript):

o = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.WindowSystemObject")

o.EnableVisualStyles = true

f = o.CreateForm(0,0,0,0)

f.ClientWidth = 120
f.ClientHeight = 120


frame = f.CreateFrame(10,10,100,100)
frame.BevelInner = o.Translate("BS_RAISED")
frame.BevelOuter = o.Translate("BS_LOWERED")




LONG RW BevelOuter

Gets or sets the style of the outer border.

This parameter can be a one of the following values: BS_NONE, BS_LOWERED, BS_RAISED. Default value BS_NONE.

ULONG RW BevelWidth

Gets or sets the width the outer border and the inner border.

Default value 1.

VARIANT_BOOL RW BorderParentBackground

Determines where a control looks for its background for border (if BorderWidth > 0).

If BorderParentBackground is false, the control uses its own background for border. To have a control use the same border background as its parent control, set BorderParentBackground to true. This property used only if XP Visual Styles enabled. Requires Windows Vista.


ULONG RW BorderWidth

Gets or sets the distance beetween the outer border and the inner border.

USHORT RW CaptureMouse

This property sets the mouse capture mode to the frame.

This parameter can be a combination of the following values: MK_LBUTTON, MK_RBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON.

Default value: "MK_LBUTTON" for the Frame, Form, Tab. 0 for other.

IDispatch* R Controls

Gets an Controls collection that represents the list of child controls.

See also Collection.

IDispatch* RW GraphFont

Gets or sets the Font for drawing a graphics.


If "TRUE" then the Frame have group box border.

Default value: "FALSE".

Default value: "TRUE", when the Frame created by Frame::CreateGroupBox.

Aplies to:


VARIANT_BOOL RW ParentBackground

Determines where a control looks for its background.

If ParentBackground is false, the control uses its own background. To have a control use the same background as its parent control, set ParentBackground to true. This property used only if XP Visual Styles enabled.


The Tracking property is a Boolean value that indicates that the frame updates when the user uses scroll bar.

WSO 1.1 Documentation. Date modified:Wed Aug 12 18:12:39 2015. (C) Veretennikov A. B. 2004-2015