A Color in the WSO can be specified in RGB format: 32-bit number that can be specified in hexadecimal representation in form XXGGBBRR (R - Red, B - Blue, G - Green, X - Use system color).
- Note:
- In some programming languages some prefix must be used.
A Keyboard shortcut can be specified in the Key property of the Action.
A Keyboard shortcut can be one of:
- 32 - bit number, combination of the virtual code of the key and states of the Alt, Shift, Control:
- KB_SHIFT The Shift (left or right) keyboard button is down.
- KB_CTRL The Ctrl (left or right) keyboard button is down.
- KB_ALT The Alt (left or right) keyboard button is down.
- KB_LSHIFT The left Shift keyboard button is down.
- KB_LCTRL The left Ctrl keyboard button is down.
- KB_LALT The left Alt keyboard button is down.
- KB_RSHIFT The right Shift keyboard button is down.
- KB_RCTRL The right Ctrl keyboard button is down.
- KB_RALT The right Alt keyboard button is down.
- String that contains the key name: "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Pause", "Caps Lock", "Backspace", "Tab", "Enter", "Esc", "Num Lock", "Scroll Lock", "LWin", "RWin", "Apps", "Space", "Page Up", "Page Down", "End", "Home", "Left", "Up", "Right", "Down", "Ins", "Del". Some modifiers can be also specified.
- 27
- 80
- "CTRL+O"
- "ESC"
Some methods of the WSO can use Images.
A Image can be one of:
WSO 1.1 Documentation. Date modified:Wed Aug 12 18:12:13 2015. (C) Veretennikov A. B. 2004-2015